Test results in a Intel Xeon CPU limited to 2.0GHz for consistency: Test suite

Extensions: Check (only with positive SEE), pawn push, mate threat and singular move.Internal Iterative Deepening to improve sorting.Quiescent Search (QS) with only good or equal captures (according to SEE) and limited check generation.Transposition Table (TT) with zobrist keys (it uses two zobrist keys per board to avoid collisions) and multiprobe.Aspiration window, moves only one border of the window if it falls out.Move iterator sorting moves with four killer move slots, Static Exchange Evaluation (SEE), Most Valuable Victim/Least Valuable Aggressor (MVV/LVA) and history heuristic.Based on bitboards with a magic bitboard move generator, it also includes code for magic number generation.It includes a great GWT interface by Lukas Laag and a Java Swing GUI.UCI interface for chess GUIs like Arena or SCID.You are free to use, distribute or modify the code, we ask for a mention to the original authors and/or a link to our pages. It is licensed under GPLv3 and the source code is hosted at. Swing: the swing application code, it depends on Core and Jse.GwtGui: an HTML5 interface developed by Lukas Laag, it depends on Core and Gwt.Jse: the Java Standard Edition version with the UCI interface and JUnit tests.HTML5: developed with Google Web Toolkit (GWT) using the Vectomatic SVG library:.Carballo (the galician word for Oak, it's all about search trees) is an Open Source Java chess engine with three interfaces: